Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Curious Mind and International Relations

About title of blog and its reason for coming into existence.

A mind that observes and notices, interprets, correlates, invents real, physical, emotional and virtual world around.
Often for meaning making.
Sometimes for no reasons.
Occasionally to just experience 'being'.
For long period the question constantly haunted me were, 'Who am I?, What I am doing here? What is going around me?, Why this thing is occurring in this particular way?

But in past 7-8 years with training in research this curious mind is getting shaped to ask more relevant questions and most importantly to learn to articulate the experience it has.
Where 'What and How are given priority over Why to ask more relevant questions?
The specific focus is International Relations.
It has relations where interaction is base and international as wide scope of geography as well as time denoting World  (Universe is too long journey at the moment!)

What is time I am living in?
Technically, it is 21 century by objective standards of learning.
I am living in 2018 by Georgian calendar year. According to Hindu calendar it is shake 1940.
Descriptively  it is modern time.
Mind will describe the experience as a coherent one. Because it can experience and articulate without much struggle.
My description of time also will vary depending on my geographical location as per movement of earth.
What would be my experience if I would be either in China or Pakistan at the moment.
To curious mind it is interesting time where it can learn new things, develop new sensibilities.
So it is a beginning of new journey of mind.

Curious Mind and International Relations About title of blog and its reason for coming into existence. A mind that observes and notice...